Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Looking over last year's resolutions, Thomas and Beckham completed all of their resolutions and Curtis says that he's just going to copy his list over to this year. I only gained 14 pounds, then lost 48, but regained 10 and have now lost 2. Overall, a success, but I'd like to lose another 11 pounds. I made definite progress on praying more and getting stuff (mostly laundry) put away, but have completely lost control of the dishes and the paper clutter.

For 2009:
Curtis: Continue to lose weight, actually learn a language. Basically, the same stuff as last year. By the end of the year, be able to do 50 pushups in the morning and another 50 at night by ramping up one a day.

Jenny: Achieve what the chart calls a "healthy" weight. Get the children on a schedule that I can live with. Reclaim control over the housekeeping.

Thomas: Learn a language (English) (He's currently limited to mama, dada, bye-bye, uh-oh, wow, and Maa (for Max, his grandparents' dog)), Become an artist/craftsman.

Ruthann: Achieve what the chart calls a healthy weight. Get her heart fixed. Make some friends who want to do some free babysitting. Eat solid food. Learn to walk.

and we have a 2009 goal for the whole family: get a yard. There has to be a little piece of outside for Mr. Thomas to leave his toys out in. Even though we're on a month-to-month lease here, we need our leases to always coincide with school-years, so this is mostly a project for this summer. Plus by then, Ruthann will be ready for serious outside playing.

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